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(678) 664-1374
we don't just think outside the box. we've left the box behind.
the lime biscuit story
Everyone’s familiar with the concept of the box; that to survive, we must think outside of it, live in spite of it, defeat it, even. Despite knowing this, businesses still seem to fall back into old patterns. They dip their creative juices from the same pot and expect them to be fresh. (Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” --- just FYI)
At Lime, we think it’s time for businesses to start dipping out of a fresh pot, leave the box behind, and begin creating engaging ads, brands, designs, and more that can withstand space and time.
Lime will be the first to tell you: we’re different. Perhaps a little weird, but that’s the point. This is the kind of weird that you are most-likely drawn to but couldn’t put your finger on why. The kind of weird that’ll make you want to jump in with both feet.
The Lime Biscuit office is full of tattooed, caffeine drinking, dog lovers who live and work alongside your consumers. We chat with them at grocery stores, sing and dance with them at concerts, share meals with them in their homes, and more. We’re not gated off or detached from the people you’re selling to, we’re their neighbors. Lime is community driven, with boots on the ground.
Lime’s owner has been a career firefighter, serving over two decades in Metro Atlanta, and still serves as a Lieutenant over the area. Our Administrator served as a preschool teacher for over a decade and worked as an administrator for a downtown development authority. The rest of the team is pretty cool, too. (Shout out to Roxy!)
The Lime Biscuit team is dedicated to being “not your typical agency,” and we mean it.
We are determined to bring a fresh perspective that will allow your business to withstand space and time, because as creative juices go, Lime is the most refreshing.
who we are
mark sullivan
Creative Director
Pyromaniac of Creativity
sherry sullivan

True Boss Lady
mia sullivan
Lead Designer
Disco Doodler
zach sullivan

Web Solutions Manager
Music Dude
liza smith
Resident Peacock
brandon jones

Logistics Specialist
Everyone's Favorite